durin the early transition of my recovery without alcohol, i could not understand the changes i was experiencin. even as i was full of fear and frustration, emotions that made me comfortable, i could still feel a lightenin of negative emotion within. now thats what i understood. i thought, how could i be doin what i didnt want to do and feel a sense of relief? as my life since has transformed, ive grown to understand how the evolution of my recovery has had the paradox of swappin my old life as a condition fer findin a new one. strength, whether emotional or spiritual, as slowly as they have grown, are very apparent when i inventory my inside now, and look back at the inventorys from then. there has been a regeneration of life fer me. today as it continues to generate new emotions and better solutions, i get to live, and understand these enigmas wrapped in mysterys as they continue to become present in my life as i pursue willingness. 1 day @ a time...
corn fed not inbred michigan white trash...