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back in the days of doin my dirt there was never a thought of freely givin, unless i was to receive somethin in return or workin some angle. and this was nothin that became known without doin what recovery teaches. to learn humility recovery required that i finally surrendered some of the self-willed desires i had and turn em around so i may grow within. this has never been an easy task for this alcoholic. i am selfish, i am egotistical, i demand, through this self-centeredness i get what i want when i want it. the changes i needed to make could not have been possible without help from others. i had to surrender my self-pertinacity, becomin open to concepts i had always shut the door upon. by doin, almost the exact opposite, of what i wanted, i began to see the growth of a new light within. humility has garnered the emotional sobriety which still grows within me today. i am free to live and love without expectation of it returned. 1 day @ a time...

corn fed not inbred michigan white trash...

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