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with an understandin of what my HP means to me today, i believe, and can say, as i try to follow His will as i perceive it, the events in my life, as easy, or tough, as they may be, i get to use what recovery has taught me. by merely takin the few nanoseconds to process the conditions and environment happenin around me at any given moment in time, i get to communicate with Him askin His intuitive graced to provide me with answers with which otherwise, may have me showin my ass. i get to do the things i wouldnt normally do in response to self-centered impulses or self-willed motives within me. i get to do what recovery has taught me, surrender, accept, or tolerate, respondin with understandin, empathy, open-mindedness, or God graced willingness. my shortcomins may never be removed, but with the knowledge learned through the 12 spiritual principles, i get to react with bright promise and meanin which doesnt have me livin em out as i did in the days of doin my dirt. i truly believe today, "of myself i am nothin, the Father doeth the works". 1 day @ a time...

corn fed not inbred michigan white trash...

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