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the release of any of the handicaps which had held me steeped in my alcoholism started the day i didnt take that next 1st drink. though it was just a start toward sobriety, i didnt know then it would lead to a life of recovery. surrender was a great feelin i had to work hard at durin my early recovery. it brought a sense of relief which grew into the acceptance i could never take another drink less i restart the cycle of my alcoholism. i did not want to go back to those times, those emotions, that frustration, or insidious fear. whether my early days were humbled by my alcoholism or, more importantly, by the grace i had been given by mere sobriety gifted me by my HP, the excitement, depression, and anxiety was overtaken by a newfound peace in a priceless gift. this real peace of mind, developed from a fear of doin my dirt again, into a healthy, unpretentious, tolerance of my alcoholism. it was a feelin of a wholesome lifestyle which encapsulated true humility. 1 day @ a time...

corn fed not inbred michigan white trash...

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