recovery has taught me to start each day with a period of prayer and meditation. but there are times i need His further guidance. especially when makin big decisions. when im faced with these types of choices, i need help in reachin a conclusion. this is where my HP has gifted me a sponsor to help pilot me. i get to have the confidence of protection and care with complete abandon when i ask for His guidance and my sponsors suggestion. yes, the final choice will be one i may make alone, but rarely if ever do i make a life changin decision without prayer, meditation, and an opportunity to listen to my HP through another source other than self. without help, these decisions are too much for me. i havent come this far in my recovery through my own self-will; it has been a culmination of each step and conference with my HPs wisdom, courage, and strength. patience and humility have been a virtue. 1 day @ a time...
corn fed not inbred michigan white trash...