i have been gifted the opportunity for a new life with the possibility of creatin somethin better than ive chosen to live before my recovery began. events i tried to make happen in the latter days of doin my dirt always fell short due to my dependence on others and self-will run riot. even as i desperately wanted to have healthy relationships, some kinda control over my emotional natures, economic and financial security, feel like i was needed, and not be filled with fear and unhappiness, my selfishness and self-centeredness kept me from openin new doors toward behavioral, emotional, psychological, and spiritual inner health. havin tried everythin i could to make these transformations happen, the only incident which could create change was the phenomenon of recovery. today i get to live a positive solution with a sense of freedom from the bedevilments mentioned above, due to a final act of desperation toward justice for self. 1 day @ a time...
corn fed not inbred michigan white trash...