in my attempts to clean up the wreckage of my past, i need to be cognizant in the manners in which i make amends. whether they are ongoin, livin amends from my early recovery or amends for which ive made mistakes recently. ive learned how good judgment skills are the abilities and mental tools that enable me to make effective decisions in critical situations or dilemmas. use of these skills can include evaluation and prioritization of factors, makin a weighed decision, arrivin at a conclusion and formin subjective opinions. ive learned how a careful sense of timin of the decision is important since it allows me to visualize various elements needed for the decision and helps decision makin more coordinated with critical key points considered while makin the decision. both courage and confidence are crucial as they enable me to face challenges and uncertainties with determination. courage allows me to confront fears and take calculated risks, ensurin informed decisions. confidence builds trust in my abilities and judgment, enablin decisions to be made with conviction. and finally, prudence entails bein cautious and deliberate in my activities, avoidin rash judgments. it also refers to the attribute of foresight, which teaches me to do shit now rather than later when i cant afford or dont want to. prudence requires bein thoughtful in my decisions and pausin to consider my options before actin. with these qualities i get to set myself up for success when repairin the damage ive caused others and myself. 1 day @ a time...
corn fed not inbred michigan white trash...