my sponsor suggested early in my recovery that i start my day with a time of prayer and meditation for this very reason, a daily reprieve. he indicated by doin this simple act, maintainin my spiritual condition on a daily basis, i would begin the process of cleanin up the wreckage of my past and start settin myself up for a brighter future. he said just live in the moment, this day, and great events will come to pass for me and countless others around me. at the time this seemed like such a farce. young in my recovery, i thought about the times before my recovery began that i tried to do this and failed at every attempt. personal moral investigations and counsel with my sponsor showed me how and why these attempts failed. i never followed through with my convictions to change for the better; my self-will wanted it now, not later. havin practiced a method of daily reprieve for 19½ years i have been able to live a practice of a daily commitment of a spiritual holistic lifestyle. and guess what? great events have come to pass for me and countless others around me. 1 day @ a time…
corn fed not inbred michigan white trash...