this mornins readin is a healthy reminder for me to treat others with the respect and dignity they deserve. ive heard it said both ways, respect must be earned by another, or respect must be automatically given to another. i also believe in the golden rule. my words, behavior, and action can carry a weight that can be either constructive to another or detrimental to em. i can mean what i say, behave toward, or have action, without bein mean. i must always try to be honest, have sympathy, compassion, unbiased understandin, and work toward empathy, it is what i believe my HP has guided me toward as the proper use of my self-will. when i live and practice unconditional forgiveness, hope, and love, it changes me within. it provides those around me and myself security and confidence. givin these emotions or sentiments to others is an awesome feelin. i must also give these affections and thoughts to myself as well. helpin others build confidence in themselves helps me to build confidence in myself. daily meditation helps me build, develop, and grow these characters into 1st nature. 1 day @ a time…
corn fed not inbred michigan white trash...