it has been my experience throughout my recovery, as ive followed the suggestions my sponsor and other trusted friends in recovery have intimated, ive grown through the practice of the spiritual principles of recovery. ive gotten to mature in the realization and inspiration in a relationship with somethin greater than i. whether its been with my HP or practice of self-enlightenment from my communication with my HP, ive matured beyond the days of doin my dirt. this practice has produced a transformation for a personality change sufficient to promote holistic, healthy, recovery. this spiritual awakenin has been a result associated with continuin to live, exercise, and educate a knowledge of the twelve steps so i may move toward a better person within. i get to carry the message of recovery to others and practice its principles as i walk among my fellows. in my goal to bring about a complete change of attitude toward spiritual matters to maintain a sober life i get to have peace of mind. simple suggestion has evolved into a way of life. 1 day @ a time…
corn fed not inbred michigan white trash...