to have been entrusted in sharin what ive so freely been given is a responsibility i must not evade or sidestep. gettin into action by carryin the message to those who may still be sufferin by workin with em side by side while they continue their personal journey toward, and into recovery, is a blessin for me. helpin another with the opportunity of carin for themselves, bein a guide, as others had done for me, walkin beside em, as they succeed and fail, is what ive been taught through my recovery is the fellowship of unity in this thing we do. by no means do i portray the idea that i have all the answers, coz i dont. but the willingness to walk with em as we find the answers we cannot or do not know, is what i was taught is right action and behavior. why wouldnt, or shouldnt, i do the same for another? 1 day @ a time…
corn fed not inbred michigan white trash...