when i turn my personal problems and my life over to the hands of God, i get to be open-minded to the concepts within the program of recovery that help me grow. it is an exercise in trust that allows the freedom to live my life and enjoy it. the 12 traditions explain to me why the program works after i have learned how it does through the 12 steps. it is with the sound suggestion of the traditions i learn how to interact with others. as i practice them, they slowly begin to become requirements, and later my behavior, which changes my thinkin. tradition 2 teaches me to further enhance the works my HP does through me. it first teaches me that i need to respect those around me in a meetin. then as i practice this respect, i start to carry it out into the world with those whom i may interact with daily. it teaches me to use humility as the wisdom of stability i gain develops. it teaches me to just be. it teaches how patience is a virtue a can live with as i interact with others. when i use this tradition i get to see how confusin personal ambition can quickly turn into my character defect of arrogance. i dont need to be the most important person in the room, who would climb the ladder to success by standin on and crushin the lives of others. today my understandin of personal ambition is a powerful spiritual attribute that enables me to achieve the goals i want through patience, humility, and integrity. i can be humble and still be ambitious and respect other people, places, and things. this respect is a sure show of the respect and honor i have for them and my HP. tradition 2 shows me as i practice it how blessed i truly am. i can have a positive healthy sense of self-pride without puttin others above or below me. i simply do not have to be the best there ever was, makin others feel like they are not worthy of any forgiveness, hope, and love. i get to learn how to speak with others, and most importantly, let them feel like they are just as important to me as i may be to them. these are the multitude of blessins recovery offers so i need look no further for what i need. this tradition helps me to learn to have control so i am not powerless and life isnt unmanageable. its an amazin adventure that continues to show me that the ultimate defense against the first drink is a spiritual one. 1 day @ a time...
corn fed not inbred michigan white trash...