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ive found it is true that when i find the key to openin my heart, mind, body, and soul, if i follow what recovery has taught me, i get to grow even more in my attempts to become a better person. in my early recovery i learned how rigid i had become to certain aspects of life that were truth and how i failed to acknowledge them. i learned that i had been hurt by some things and that when i tried to find an offerin of receptivity again, i was hurt once more so i closed the door completely carryin a proceleusmatic resentment that i could never venture into that certain realm again. aint it funny how that self-centeredness never changed my views on alcohol, but then, maybe i wasnt gettin what i wanted, the way i wanted it. recovery showed me, through others, how a change in perception could have an effect on my willingness to openin up the doors of my rigidity so i could learn how to become open-minded. when it came to faith, as i worked the spiritual principles of recovery, learnin more about myself, i learned how to open my mind to surrender, acceptance, and tolerance. throwin little bits and pieces of myself out to the concepts of a power greater than myself, and feelin the results come back without the harms of the past, faith grew within. as my spirituality continues to grow from my willingness to form and grow a relationship with my HP, my faith increases still today. faith has given me the ability to build relationships with others and myself because empathy has taken root. from this i gain the confidence to enhance courage and strength so i may have healthy relationships, givin love before receivin it. ive learned a proper and healthy balance between not askin enough of myself and askin or expectin too much from the world around me. learnin that the troubles i faced back in those days of doin my dirt was of my own makin, not so much the deeds others may have done to me, but my insistence on keepin em boilin in my heart and mind, nurturin em so they grew over the years, to the point i had cut myself off from the grace of willingness, i no longer have to live with the stubbornness or harshness of a life without faith. 1 day @ a time...

corn fed not inbred michigan white trash...

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