i reckon one of the most important ideas ive learned through my recovery is the ability to open up and talk about my inner most secrets with another. from this seemingly simple act ive grown in damn near all areas of my life. though it wasnt a truly easy thing to do when i first made the attempt, with time, ive begun to know the people i trust and the ones i cannot when tellin such personal things. of course, my sponsor was the one i did my original personal inventory with, but as the years have passed ive used others. my sponsor told me he wouldnt have experience with everything i may have done or may live life into. he told me to listen to others in meetins, build relationships with others in recovery, and when i have a situation come up that he doesnt have experience in, go to those i trust and talk to them about it. as the years have passed my sponsor has moved across the country, but he is still my sponsor, and when i have major life events happen that i struggle with i call him. but the minor shit, i discuss with trusted friends in recovery. i am able to do this because of the growth ive had in my recovery. emotions and feelins which used to hinder me, today are used with positive association and meanin. confidence, trust, humility, integrity, love, perseverance, personal awareness, honesty, courage, faith, all of these which i may have tripped over in the past have given me the ability to share with others, the problems that may arise. freedom from the troubles which used to cause me harm no longer do. so, with that personal experience i understand the responsibility i have today as someone with long term, quality recovery. it is now my turn to do as my sponsor did for me, what he taught me to do, listen to others and help them when i can. respectin others enough to let them live their lives is one of those assets my sponsor taught me. just as my sponsor nurtured my journey in life by respectin my individuality and pointin out how my selfishness and irresponsibility hurt me and others, i get to pass that love and compassion onto others. i get to pass on how i make a list of what is broken and how i ask my HP to help me fix what needs fixin in His time. i get to do and give for others what was done and given for me. 1 day @ a time...
corn fed not inbred michigan white trash...