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part of forgiveness for me is the ability to give it, whether or not it is reciprocated. this is where growth within happens for me. it is lettin go of the petty, immature, resentment, anger, and fear, that used to guide my life before my recovery began. since i have been able to learn how to forgive, my life has been made richer. it has helped me gain the humility i need so i may live a life of freedom and peace of mind. it has allowed me to form healthy relationships, especially one with myself. the only excuse i can think of today that would prohibit me from offerin forgiveness would be to serve self with unhealthy ego and false pride. when i forgive, i get to feel the burdens that come from not doin it, get released. inconsideration, selfishness, hatred, and meanness, flee in the light of understandin, empathy and compassion. givin without strings promotes healthier relationships, improved mental health, less anxiety, stress and hostility, lower blood pressure, fewer symptoms of depression, a stronger immune system, improved heart health, and improved self-esteem. if ya would have told me these benefits while i was out doin my dirt ida judged ya, formed a resentment against ya, gotten pissed at ya for judging me, and kept away from ya afterward in fear that ya had somethin over me. today i get to continue to heal from all the positive blessins from healthy emotional, psychological, behavioral, and spiritual attitudes. these are things i dont look for in return, they come naturally. today i can laugh at myself. i do not take myself too seriously. i no longer have to act, feel, and think like an alcoholic. today i am even more so the person i feel like on the inside. i am also the person i act like on the outside. ive found me, and it feels good. forgiveness of others combined with self-forgiveness has made me happy. goin through this phase of my development with my sponsor helped to show me what and who i could be, so i no longer have to be the person i used to be. it is an act of self-love when i forgive without expectation of return. 1 day @ a time...

corn fed not inbred michigan white trash...

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