i was given this new way of life from those who had a readiness to serve others. they were willin to step out from themselves and help me, when i was lost, without any promise of return from me for their efforts. it is a spiritual principle that i must carry with me, the brotherly love that they showed me. so, havin been gifted the blessin of recovery, i must carry the message through service just as i was shown if i want to keep what i have. it is through this act of service, and share, that i get to further enhance my own recovery practicin the spiritual principles of honesty, hope, faith, courage, integrity, humility, love, justice, perseverance, and spiritual awareness. it is the loyal acts of attendance, generous in givin, kindness in criticism, creativity in suggestion, lovin in my attitudes, that creates the attraction. i get to show my interest, my enthusiasm, my devotion, and most of all, my true self today. even if no supplication is expressed by the other, all the supply of strength that is necessary is secured by me, because my soul today, bein linked and united to my HP, receives from Him all the emotional, psychological, behavioral, and spiritual health i need. in my search for the spiritual path to a deeper understandin of self, i get to share how i found a lovin, friendly God whose love is so pervasive i was able to discover the divine in my life and the lives of others. the concept of meetin together, with another who may be seekin the same solutions i am, sharin God and recovery, makes sense. when i came into the rooms, the ideas seemed foreign to me. it took me time to embrace a new value system i could live by every day. absorbin and usin these principles for every decision and action removed the worry from my life. expressin this to another may bring them the hope it gave me, as others did the same for me. keepin it simple, recovery begins when one alcoholic talks with another alcoholic, sharin experience, strength, and hope. today i keep a readiness to serve others as I reach for the acme of my life. 1 day @ a time...
corn fed not inbred michigan white trash...