throughout my life ive watched others, friends, acquaintances, even people i didnt know, lives get destroyed as a direct result of the disease of alcoholism/addiction. bein in recovery now, i am aware of the varyin programs offered that help those afflicted find a new way of life. havin had a spiritual awakenin as a result of the steps and spiritual principles contained within, i have grown to the idea that today i have a responsibility to help others, who may be like me, by carryin the message of recovery. to pass onto others my e.s.h. by sharin what it was like, what happened, and what it is like today to those who may ask, is a blessin to me whether the other receives it or not. to share with others how i, destroyed relationships with the ones who loved me most; candidly convey how i allowed selfishness to set a course toward my spiritual malady; let misunderstandin, recriminations, bickerin, and resentment become who i was; used alcohol, food, drugs, people, sex, and money to avoid dealin with my feelins; allowed obsessive and compulsive behavior patterns stop me from reachin my full potential; let the reality of my life lead me toward bewilderment, frustration, loneliness, and despair; had a lack of self-control that lead to unmanageability and powerlessness; became aware that these were all caused by a simple reliance upon self, allows me to live free today. sharin this with another, expressin what the final straw was, and sharin with them how i used each of the spiritual principles to change my life, is the act of the unbroken tradition of the responsibility i have toward self and continuin to assist in the survival and spread of this thing we do. by continuin to surrender to the simple truths about me, even the simple truth of what and how im really feelin, will always set me free and hopefully another. the only way i can fail in this responsibility is to never try. and just what do the three pertinent ideas on page 60 of the big book make clear? if i dont pass on the legacys of sufferin and recovery, i will remain stuck in my alcoholism and unmanageability of my life, that probably no human power will relieve my alcoholism, and that i alone cannot change any part of my life without God if i refuse to seek His unconditional guidance, forgiveness, hope, and love. perseverance for me means that i continue to give the message away so i may keep what ive been gifted. 1 day @ a time...
corn fed not inbred michigan white trash...