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the gift of recovery brings me inner happiness and joy. to think that the solutions i sought before were as futile as they were, when i thought they brought me everything i wanted, they seem lackin in the light of what a life in recovery has brought me. its been my experience that all of the outer happiness i thought i was getting to help make me at peace within, and never lasted, allows me to realize just how a spiritual life is so important today. sometimes i feel like i wasted years that could have been spent better. i reckon today those days werent as useless as i can let myself ‘think’ they were. they were the catalyst for what i have today. they were the provin ground i needed to get what i have at this very moment. gratitude, freedom, peace of mind, forgiveness, hope, and love, are all what i sought back in the days of doin my dirt and could never find, or have, unless it was given by a few moments of an outside source. today, my strengths are cultivated from within and given outward unconditionally and freely without reservation. the promises throughout the big book get to be received, lived, and given without doubt in the understandin that to give what ive received cannot be kept unless i give em all away. what i used to think could be accomplished with years of self-discipline have been gifted to me in short succession by followin only a few simple suggestions, turned requirements, for inner happiness and peace of mind. these are my own personal spiritual experiences i get to offer to others in the hope that they provide others a direction so they can find what i have found. everythin i have today was not somethin i could have thought myself, they were found through lessons learned, and communicated to me from those who came into the rooms before me and the limitless relationship i have with my HP. i get to live a great reality today. ive experienced, ive hoped, and ive strengthened what today i get to see, feel, and believe. 1 day @ a time...

corn fed not inbred michigan white trash...

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