im glad that there is the separation of spirituality from religion in the recovery program i follow. though im not so blind to understand that each can fit together very well, in my own experience i have known many that go to the extreme of either. religion was taught to me throughout my childhood. in those years of learnin, i can say that i never learned much about spirituality. it always seemed that i was to do this or do that or burn in hell for eternity if i didnt. i do believe today that there is much within religion that i still use to this day as guidelines to my life, but the spirituality, i find within recovery, seems to be lackin from the religion i know of. maybe im wrong here, but it is my personal understandin today that the life i choose to live is more spiritual than religious. i always felt there was a level of judgement in religion that i just dont find in livin a spiritual lifestyle. i aint tryin to say that religious people are wrong, im just tryin to convey that in recovery i find people who are more forgivin and lovin than the people i know who follow religious doctrine or dogma. i reckon as i continue to grow in my recovery i will find the answers i seek to the questions i have about religion and spirituality. all i want to do today is live a lifestyle that helps me do the next right thing, the next right lovin thing, and be content with doin what ev i need to as long as it feels right within. sorrow, gladness, yearnin, hope, and love belong to all of us, in all times and in all places. as i grow in understandin my spiritual way of life, i find that these qualities of basic human nature are a means whereby i feel these emotions in their universality with a spiritual way of life. i get to feel forgiveness, hope, and love and get to use each whenever i feel it is necessary. i trust that if i continue to follow my HPs will and recoverys design for livin ill be given the life experiences that will carry me through to my destiny. im learnin whats needed, daily, and not all of my teachers are offerin joy-filled lessons. but they are the right lessons, however. and i know greater joy when i relax and understand that God is there to guide me through every conflict and comfort me in every painful and joyous moment. today, my brain has cleared with the grace of clarity. 1 day @ a time...
corn fed not inbred michigan white trash...