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i still get amazed, as my recovery continues to grow and evolve, just how my self-will truly blocked me while i was out doin my dirt and in my early recovery. the spiritual principle of lettin go and lettin God, has shown me how this very powerful concept can constantly help me grow as time passes allowin me the freedom to get to live and experience the promises throughout the big book. as much garboil as i still may suffer from today, it is far less than the days past. my self-will had me trapped and chained to my disease of alcoholism and i could not seem able to break free from all the turmoil and anarchy i produced. i learned through inventory that it was i, my own pride and selfishness, that were my greatest blocks to any communication with my HP. when i learned how to keep myself out of the way, Gods grace could flow through me. when i pray for knowledge of His will and the power to carry that out, keepin a channel open to His forgiveness, hope, and love, free from those things that make my life futile and ineffective, i get to see and understand that its not so much me, but the grace and power of God that helps me remain sober. even as any past or current situation may seem inescapable and overpowerin, creatin shame, confusion, despair, or fear, it is with the concept of lettin go and lettin God that i get to feel a release from those emotions and gain humility surrenderin to hope. each time i do this simple practice, i find i can look forward to releasin nightmarish feelins and stop the behavior of punishin myself. all doors become open, i gain the ability of choice, and my new life is made rich and full of promise. while i cannot forget past experience, wisdom tells me i dont have to remain livin in it and i can move on, havin let it go. i get to put my intellect to better use as self-assurance and security comes from an inner sense of self-acceptance, which helps me grow my recovery. i dont have to set up a false standard i think i should meet, i can be me. as prayer comes from my heart with a sincere desire to help another or how i should move forward, He provides a power that is strong enough to move mountains. i become free of control and fear so i may continue to recover as i have let go and made the decision to act by lettin Him guide me. 1 day @ a time...

corn fed not inbred michigan white trash...

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