i feel one of the things that has made recovery a success for me is the ability to use each spiritual principle in a way that works best for me as long as i stick to the main idea of its core. my original big book had an ex libri inscribed on its openin page from the person who presented it to me, it simply read, one day @ a time. there was no long litany of instruction or longwinded wishes of well, just put simply, one day @ a time. those simple words taken and understood helped me start the program this thing we do offers with a mindset of openness. my sponsor later impressed upon me the idea that though he and i had nothin in common other than the fact that we were both alcoholics, that even as he shared his story of recovery and how he worked and lived the steps, that i probably would have to come to terms with each steps spiritual principle in my own way. he stated that he would help me with suggestion as i progressed forward, but how i interpreted each steps meanin, as long as i focused upon the reality of its substance, would be my own affair. as i have progressed personally, studyin through each step, remindin myself to put into effect each spiritual principle subject matter, testin it with and without a boundary, i have found success and failure, benefittin from either. meditation has come by much the same manner for me. whether i do it as any other or not, the main point is that i do it. i can remember how difficult it was in my early recovery to sit in quiet still, awaitin the intuitive voice of reason and guidance to come. as uncomfortable as it felt, i did it. sometimes the meditation time would only last as long as i could stand it, 30 seconds or so. sometimes, as i moved throughout my day, keepin my mind open to His thought, as the hours ticked by, the inspiration would come. sometimes i would even have to put it upon a shelf in my mind and hit on it later. havin gained a sense of responsibility and discipline for my own recovery today, and even back then as best as i could, honestly tryin to live the way i believe He wants me to live, the individuality of the meditation i exercise and apply is of my own affair. as i evolve and develop my personal program of recovery, becomin spiritually aware of His presence around and within me, so does the meditation i partake in. one day @ a time, as simple as it is, as meaningful and individual as i make it, is an adventure as it works while i make it a habit of process. knowledge of “the answers” never made me relapse. it was failin to practice “the answers” known. as i embrace my own spiritual style, whether im at the end of a particular relationship, task, or part of my journey, the best is not over. it is still to come. growin old is inevitable, growin up is optional, growin spiritually through meditation, is up to me. 1 day @ a time...
corn fed not inbred michigan white trash...