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when i look back, takin an honest personal inventory of the days of doin my dirt and my recovery from alcoholism and addiction, i can see how my self-will can influence my decision makin, action, and behavior. today, it is my hope that i have grown and become better at makin decisions and doin actions that characterize my behavior in a good light. it is through the spiritual awareness i gain through prayer and meditation that i get to learn how to continue to change and grow within. livin life is done moment by moment and day by day and it is often throughout those days that i have moments i need to stop and ask my HP for inspiration and an intuitive thought so i may make the best decision on how to move forward. when in those few moments, or even nanoseconds, of relaxation and ease, i dont struggle and i ask for His guidance and listen for His motivational influence. with knowledge and wisdom of the way i have acted or reacted in the past, those experiences have allowed me to learn that when i place my will in front of His, lettin go of the ideas of intuition and inspiration, i struggle and fail, often makin things worse for others and myself. havin learned through recovery that my job is to try to bring out the good, not criticize the bad, i have a responsibility to either remain quiet or work toward bein effective, bringin out the best in any given situation. i then get to live the moment or day accordin to the guidance He has gifted and provided for me. the rhythm of life is a powerful beat, and with an understandin that spirituality is energy, a positive and creative energy that leads to transformation, i have an opportunity to show how He has had a positive effect upon me providin me with the fortuity to not struggle and accept that life is what it is. i get to connect with the rhythm of life, the universal beat, when i consciously seek to connect with it, rather than fight it. havin found and lived a change i wish to see in the world, i no longer combat much of my life. i have changed, i have experienced a volte-face, and it feels good to acknowledge and accept His grace, forgiveness, hope, and love. rememberin that this thing we do tells me to pay mind to my own behaviors, i get the opportunity to live with peace of mind as a result of His intuition and inspiration. it is the highest form of self-respect and humility to understand my self-will; actin upon His will, rather than mine, grants me the opportunity to live the spiritual awareness His intuition and inspiration directs. 1 day @ a time...

corn fed not inbred michigan white trash...

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