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it has been my experience that when i ask my HP to help me practice and live the character assets that i have developed as my recovery has progressed, with His assistance, i am granted those assets so i may step out of self and use them to help others. each of the character assets mentioned in this mornins readin have been gifted me today when i practice them on self, learnin and understandin how i may make them as best as i can. i then get to use them when goin out into the world to practice and live His will, helpin others, as i perceive it is meant for me to do. each are like the paradoxes of recovery and have been gifted to me as i continue to learn about myself through personal inventory workin toward spiritual awareness and personal spiritual growth. practicin this humility, i no longer have to feel like i am the important one; i get to be one of many, a part of rather than apart from. i get to live a patient and positive lifestyle with piece of mind that is effective and shown to the world around me through action and behavior. it is a show of the forgiveness, hope, and love, God has granted me. as humility has afforded me the qualities of honesty, faith, courage, integrity, willingness, brotherly love, justice, perseverance, spiritual awareness, and service toward Him and others, i get to pass on, live, and practice these awesome positive paradoxes. today i dont have to stay locked in the guilt of what i did, what i said, and the events of which i was ashamed as today is a new beginnin of the rest of my life. though i know i may create most of the pain and tragedy in my life, i also know i create the joys and successes. with confidence, sobriety, recovery, and my HP, i get to be a winner. utilizin compassion and empathy i get to give the good parts of me away to others. every good thing i practice will come to those who i get the blessin to encounter. just because i hit rock bottom once doesnt mean i gotta stay there. with gratitude, willingness, and open-mindedness i get to go beyond what my eyes can see, growin my spiritual experience. 1 day @ a time...

corn fed not inbred michigan white trash...

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