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tryin to practice the spiritual principles in all my affairs has taken practice. i reckon its not so much the things i say in meetins as much as it is the way i behave when i am outside of meetins that defines the recovery i live today. what seemed the flimsy reed of recovery, as time has passed, has become a sturdy foundation for which i can rest upon. much like anythin else in my life that has been any good for me, the things that have become the most important to me and most beneficial, are the things with which i studied, the things with which i practiced, over a period of time. its been a practice, done daily, 1 day @ a time, that the foundation i speak of has grown and evolved into somethin that has grown to be the best life for me. and its not so much what others see, its the things they dont, that build that foundation. as ive improved my conscious contact with my HP, with prayer, in quiet times of communion, ive been able to develop an attitude of inner happiness and peace of mind which is felt deeply within. idk if its an attraction or not, but i do know i have grown a fellowship of trusted friends in recovery that respect me as i respect, them. as i translate into action and behavior what i learn through Him in silent thought, away from others, lookin inward to fix my flaws, and then goin out to follow the guidance ive felt within, doin what i believe to be the next right thing, others get the benefit of this very hard work on self. as i make substantial changes in my life, imitatin the recovery ive seen by those who have carried the message to me, the message i get to carry of a spiritually happy, joyous, and free person in recovery, is hopefully what others see in me. it is also my hope that when i interact with others, i build trust with them. i feel like when i share with others, exchangin confidence and personal experience, honestly and truthfully expressin my ability to love another as i can, i get to receive it in return. keepin it simple and personal, sharin my experience, strength, and hope, i get to carry the message to others whether they receive it or not or are in recovery or not, in spoken word or behavior. 1 day @ a time...

corn fed not inbred michigan white trash...

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