one of the most impactful things recovery has taught me is that i alone do not make the world around me spin. that the relationship i have with my HP is what can guide me toward a happy, useful, and effective life. the humility i get to live today transcends beyond me as i am a servant to my HPs will. it wasnt always this way, and even early in my recovery i had to honestly face the fact that when i live my spiritual malady, i only harm others and myself beyond repair. and without His help, i cannot fix the damage i have done, no matter how hard i wish, will, or want to. for me, practicin genuine humility today means that i lay aside my will for my HPs will. it means that i think of others more, rather than myself. it means that i am to be of service to others in an effort to support and help them as much as i can emotionally, physically, psychologically, and spiritually. for me to waste the blessin by holdin it over anothers head or braggin that i have been gifted somethin another hasnt is a sure way for me to live my ass right straight away to a drink. havin lived through the darkest parts of my life, the time of failure, the nighttime of my life, when i was full of struggle and care, worry and remorse, when i felt deeply the tragedy of my life, ive learned today how to surrender daily to my HP, and have come to a peace and joy that makes all things new. why should i boast about this and take the chance of harmin myself over it. why not remain humble and pass the mitzvah of peace and joy onto others by showin em the grace and power of my HP, offerin em the same, via sharin my story with em. part of my spiritual program involves a correct use of time, and i feel like carryin the message is an appropriate use of my time. my most valuable commodity is time; it is a precious gift from God that i should not waste with my spiritual malady. even as i may never know exactly what will happen when i do this and am often surprised by the turn of events, i am seldom disappointed. today i choose to not live in the fear that somethin ive done or failed to do, somethin about who i am or where i came from, has made me unlovable and unworthy of a connection with my HP, others, or myself. by remainin genuinely humble, i aint gotta live with any of those fears anymore. it is a gift that i get to go out and mingle with my fellows and repair the damage done in the past with a livin amends. in service is how i live in grateful contemplation of my HP. 1 day @ a time...
corn fed not inbred michigan white trash...