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i feel like the best way i can show my gratitude for the gift of recovery is to share the tremendous fact of the common solution, brotherly love, and harmonious action of what this thing we do offers. it is when i carry the message with my fellows in recovery to those who may be sufferin that i get to share in the great news the big book carries. it is an opportunity for me to lace up and show up, along with others in recovery, and walk with them toward a common solution that manifests a new way of life. i get to be kind, patient, generous, etc., especially to newcomers who come into the rooms like i did, broken, confused, angry, and frustrated. i get to give that avuncular reassurance to those who are new to a way of livin they may have never experienced before. i get to show another how the fellowship is based on a common belief in God and a common effort to live a spiritual life with each other. i get to show another how love and fear cannot live together by tellin of my experience and exhibitin how the spiritual principles have had an effect on me and how i get to live today. i get to show how love, a love that trusts in God, eventually conquered my fears. i get to show another how with their help, they can show me how i can live with my own insecurities. how they can help me understand my needs and my strengths, and how they can help me accept my weaknesses and live with my confusion. and as i begin to get to know myself, maybe they can get to know themselves too. its how others helped me to help myself when i came into the rooms. maybe, change is somethin that guides me toward a healthy perception of self that another may see and want, just as i seen it in others early in my recovery. maybe as we strive together, with one more attempt, followin a way that has been proven out by others, we can have and hold success rather than, one more failure. it has been my experience, as ive used it to bridge the gap between knowledge and wisdom, that the common solution doesnt work for just me, it works for all, when we all work together. 1 day @ a time...

corn fed not inbred michigan white trash...

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