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my recovery has taught me that when thinkin of others while tryin to practice the spiritual principles in my affairs or carryin the message, doesnt only have to be focused on those whom i may meet in the rooms. though i may consider those still sufferin or in the rooms a primary focus, there are others outside the rooms that i come into contact with way more, those not in recovery. my thoughts, that may be led by behavior and action, need to be focused on all with whom i may have contact with. practicin the things ive learned through recovery must be lived wherever i am, home, meetin rooms, work, or while at play. recently ive went back to a situation which i have had a 5-month long break from. and id be straight story tellin ya if i didnt have a sense of fear returnin to it, cause i did. there was a situation that was happenin when i had left that i hoped would have worked itself out while i was on the break. much to my chagrin, it didnt. it was alive and well on the 1st day of my return. without sayin, it involved another person. immediately i was faced with how i should behave. it took prayer and the wisdom learned through recovery to come up with the next right action. i had to lean on my HP and the lessons learned from the past to dig within and ask my HP how to move forward. and wouldnt ya know it, the recovery ive practiced kicked into gear. even as my spiritual malady ramped up and begged me to show my ass, the deep-rooted recovery program i practice forced my will out of the way. i remembered, even as i wanted to make the situation all about me that my very life, as an ex-problem drinker, depended upon my constant thought of others and how i may help meet their needs. it told me to use surrender, acceptance, and tolerance. it told me to be thankful and grateful for the gift of introspective work that enabled me to discover more of myself. that it was my duty, my responsibility, to work to become, not to acquire my selfish ends. that i could not plan or work toward a better future by returnin to or playin off old behavior patterns. that with prayer, meditation, and patience, i could walk into this new moment with my HP and do the next right thing with forgiveness, hope, and love. that with the profound change in my personality i could remain a source of positive light rather than a destructive, negative character buildin piece of shit. that i needed to be of service in this situation to all those around me, not just my selfish self. today i get to practice the profound personality change ive worked so hard on with the help of my HP and those in the rooms. today, by choosin aright, i am shown the right way to live, so that my recovery date wont change. 1 day @ a time...

corn fed not inbred michigan white trash...

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