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the big book teaches me much about how to work with others. if i desire to be effective and useful, it is best i adhere to the directions/instructions, it asks me when i go to sharin my e.s.h. why spoil an opportunity to be useful later? why be labeled a religious zealot? i can recall from personal experience people tryin to force feed me their ideas and the immediate rejection i gave em. i have to remember that the person i may be speakin with may not be where i was when I was seekin help out of doin my dirt. if i can speak to another with forgiveness, hope, and love, sharin with em what it was like for me, what the final straw was for me, and what it is like today, i have done what i needed to. givin examples of how each of the spiritual principles have worked for me as i apply em to everyday situations, and maybe even, examples they have provided that are close to my own, maybe i can be useful and effective in my delivery of my story. talkin down to another never fills the bill. it only caused steadfast contempt, belligerence, condescension, and misbegotten understandin of the message i am tryin to convey. if i want to live the spiritual axiom of givin it away in order to keep it, i must pass on what i have been given with the same compassion with which it was passed onto me. ive heard it said that a river flows into a clear pool and flows out again. i get and then i give. if i do not give, i do not keep. it is as simple as that. equalin myself to the one im speakin with is the best way to gain their attention. by sharin my spiritual home as a place full of peace, serenity, and contentment, i get the opportunity to attract rather than promote the program which has saved my life. if i show how i keep comin back for refreshment when i am weary of the hubbub of the outside world, receivin quietness and communion until it becomes my strength providin me peace of mind, maybe i can help another the way i was helped. i can share how as ive grown in recovery so has the peace i receive as i continue to practice recovery as best as i can. even if the other doesnt get what i am sayin, i still get to grow in wisdom, tolerance, and love of them. as been my experience, when i choose the right, i get to receive Gods blessin and direction in all my efforts for good. for it is only by acceptin and solvin my personality problems that i can begin to get right with myself and with the world about me, and with him who presides over me. showin another that i understand and have empathy is the key to right principles and attitudes, and right action is the key to good livin; therefore, the joy of good livin is the concept of this thing we do, of its act of service. ive found that there is a calmness to a life lived by reachin out in gratitude. 1 day @ a time...

corn fed not inbred michigan white trash...

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