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as i have experienced, whether i know or understand more or less than the one i am speakin with, i get to offer somethin to the situation. this is a practice in the surrender, humility, service, and brotherly love that recovery has taught me to behave like and practice. and as stated in this mornins readin, it doesnt matter if it is recognized by the other or not, it is the fact that i am not only actin as if, but it is the fact that i am actually honestly doin it. it is the action of recovery, and most importantly, my HP, livin through me. this action helps me to live my life as wholesomely as i can. when i can stand with faith and be as humble as my HP would have me be, listenin or sharin as my experience grants me the wisdom to, i get to live the divine principle of givin rather than receivin. and these actions do not cost me a thing; not ego, not pride, cause fear, or lessen my intellectual knowledge. these actions avail me the proficiency of growin & strengthenin my spirituality. i get to connect with the rhythm of life, the universal beat, when i consciously seek to connect with another. it is a recognition, a powerful beat within, that provides me with an understandin that spirituality is an energy, a positive and creative effectiveness that leads me to further the transformation recovery administers within my life daily. when i remain aware of the positive boundaries i have set through the indefatigable work ya’ll have helped me with in my personal program of recovery, i free myself of the turmoil and frustration my spiritual malady demands of me. recognizin and livin the boundaries between others and myself, i get to continue to give of self no matter how another may behave as it is not of my concern, nor my job to fix it. i am made free of the negative judgement that harms another and myself. it comes down to doin my HPs will his way and not mine. learnin to be of service in so many different ways, even when it means remainin yeildin, humble, bein still, and givin brotherly love, the rewards of recovery continue to blossom within, givin me the assurance that God will take care of me in the long run. 1 day @ a time...

corn fed not inbred michigan white trash...

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