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for me to judge another for admittin to their inner most self that they are alcoholic and then admittin it in the rooms, is a sure show of lack of personal humility on my behalf. where would i be today if others had judged my admittance of my own alcoholism when i came into the rooms broken and beat down, ready to accept deaths door? am i still tryina play God if im to judge another so negatively? just where is the spiritual malady ive worked so hard on lettin loose of in my recovery? am still tryna live my own self-will or am i tryna live my HPs will today? the program of recovery i follow, the one that has given me the life i have today, tells me that love and tolerance is our code. i may not like another, but i must love all as i had been when i first walked into the rooms. recovery has taught me to have a clear vision so i do not need to rely upon self-centered egotism that makes another less worthy, keepin me from seein their beauty and goodness. i neednt let fear block me from the protection of my HP by playin my spiritual malady with negative judgement of another. allowin my character defects to keep me blocked from givin the forgiveness, hope, and love another may need, truly, only hurts me. rather, i would prefer to explore my strengths than to be held back by my weaknesses, showin another the grace and awesome omnipotence of my HP through me. today im eager to identify and let go of my character defects and make room for my character strengths to flourish, showin another what they have to look forward to. i want to show another that change offers them the excitement and potential of a new life, with its own opportunity for new special gifts, and invigoratin days. showin another how the thoroughness of recovery, this programs spiritual principles, and unconditional forgiveness, hope, and love helped me to uncover in order to recover, offerin them the same i was offered by others, an opportunity for inner growth, peace of mind, positive self-love, and happiness that comes from within, is gratitude in action, not negative judgment. 1 day @ a time...

corn fed not inbred michigan white trash...

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