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it is my understandin that each of the three legacies of this program hold equal strength in holdin the whole world of this thing we do together. the third legacy, service, is how i got what i have today. it was those who came before me, my sponsor, and others, who told me their stories helpin me to see the spiritual malady i held deep within, givin me hope that i could overcome my personal problems. they practiced the concept of their practical experience as they understood it, that nothin would help keep them sober if they didnt practice intense work with other alcoholics. they understood from their own personal experience that it would work for them when other activities failed. they carried the message to me, another alcoholic. they helped this alcoholic, me, achieve sobriety. today it is my responsibility to do as they did for me for, and with, others. as much as i can, keepin a healthy balance in my life, i include workin with others by takin them through the twelve steps. i practice all of the spiritual principles, as best as i can, inside and outside of the rooms, showin others what recovery has given me. when i do this i am less likely to become restless, irritable, or discontent. this simple, concept, spiritual principle, or idea, service, helps me remain humble by puttin an emphasis on my spiritual malady, my self-will. it gets me out of self, it allows me to become vulnerable, so i may continue to learn and grow. i get to share the valuable experience i have gained with others and help them, just as i was shown by others. i get to try to bring somethin good into every situation i may face today. i get to be constructive in the way i think, speak to others, and behave today. showin these gifts to another blesses me beyond the life i lived doin my dirt could ever have. with my personal recognition of who i am today, an alcoholic in recovery, i get to share the liberty and freedom to live and create in Gods world. i get to know and understand that i can only be who i am bringin me the freedom of existence and identity to help another. i get to become a true friend, for with this fellowship with another i form relationships with them that help them and allow me to grow spiritually along with them. we, together, get to share in the miracle of healin our lives. together we get to find the powers of love, comfort, faith, joy, that grow the trust and confidence we once lost. 1 day @ a time...

corn fed not inbred michigan white trash...

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