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No matter what a person did or does in life based on alcoholism and the behaviors that come with it, which usually hurts others and self can start to be overcome with surrender. Step 1, the Spiritual Principle of Honesty, the honesty to thine own self be true of who we are (a drunk). Page 30 in the Big Book: “We learned that we had to fully concede to our innermost selves that we were alcoholics. This is the first step in recovery.” Most of us go on and on to control our drinking without realizing we are even trying to control it, which leads to years and years of doing the same thing's over and over again, hurting more people along the way usually family and people that love us the most, until we surrender. That desperation that finally comes brings the surrender and honesty, something happens to us internally that says tag your it and we now know that we are the problem and some work needs to be done. Mine finally happened in 2013 after coming in and out of the rooms since 1989, I was locked up in jail and I got smacked in the head in jail by God (at the time I didn't realize it was Him) and He said tag John it's you, not them and we been on the path of recovery ever since. Has it been easy, No, has it been a lot of work, Yes, do we have any clue what we are doing No, we ask for help and do this together, not alone. If you are struggling and need some help, we are here for you, add me as a friend and message me. Drinking is a lifestyle so is recovery. Happy Holidays!

Trust God, clean house and work with others. Recovery first or their is no recovery. Happy Holidays to ya!

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