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how effective and useful would it be if i relayed my story, what it was like, what happened, and what its like today, to someone i was tryin to help, castin lies and false pretense all over it? would i be practicin honesty or integrity? would i be helpin them or myself? when i sat...

there have been times in my recovery were life has happened. ikr, amazin huh? one of the first times life happened in my recovery, my ma was to go into surgery and have a lung removed. i spoke with my sponsor about it and told him how fearful i was for my mas life. i...

We provide treatments for mental health disorders. If you are feeling low, mood swings, panic attacks, low concentration, difficulty in sleep, etc, you can contact Foundation Psychiatry. We have a team of expert and experienced psychiatrists in Atlanta.We cover all major mental health issues like depression, anxiety, ADHD, addiction treatment, etc. We provide different types...

early in my recovery my sponsor made himself available for me when he could. havin learned from his example, it is imperative i do the same when sponsorin another. just as this mornins readin suggests, the more i work with others in recovery, sharin my experience, strength, and hope, by carryin the message of recovery...

when i honestly reached out for help, it was provided. whether it was an act of providence or not, idk, but when i had finally had enough and was truly willin to go to any lengths to break my own will and follow the dictates of a Higher Power, He put people in my life...

idk if many of ya’ll are like me, but, if there is any way to strike up emotions of anger in me, the quickest way, is to talk down to me. that shit ALWAYS fires me the fuck up. i learned through personal inventory that i had to use the solutions recovery teaches to move...

since my whole life before my recovery began was totally focused on me and my wants and concerns, now that i am in recovery and tryin to break the patterns of self-centeredness and self-righteousness, my focus after i have found out some of the grosser handicaps my alcoholism created and how i may use spiritual...

it feels good within to know and understand that i dont have to do this thing we do all alone, all by myself. when i was out doin my dirt i didnt have time to be around others, and if i did, it was only to try to get somethin from em at their expense....

The problem The lack of self-acceptance is a problem for many recovering addicts. This subtle defect is difficult to identify and often goes unrecognized. Many of us believed that using drugs was our only problem, denying the fact that our lives had become unmanageable. Even after we stop using, this denial can continue to plague...

recovery has taught me what humility is. i never thought that humility could be as rewardin as it has been for me. if i was to tell ya that i practiced it before my recovery began id be straight story tellin ya. i dont think i knew what it was back in the days of...


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Calls to the general helpline will be answered by a paid advertiser of one of our treatment partners.