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sittin in the rooms i get to hear the stories of many who came in just as i, riddled throughout with selfishness, dishonesty, resentment, and fear. at anys first glance, it would seem impossible to have been able to overcome such emotional torment havin tried for so long on their own will power and succumbin...

what i really have is a daily reprieve contingent on the maintenance of my spiritual condition. every day is a day when i must carry the vision of my HPs will into all of my activities. this is the key to all the growth i have received while my recovery has progressed and evolved. each...

when i am deep in prayer and meditation, i get to feel the oneness i have with my HP. it is an opportunity for me to ask Him to help me be the best i can be for my fellows, myself, and Him. i then get the fortuity to sit quietly and listen for His...

"Many times in our recovery, the old bugaboos will haunt us. Life may again become meaningless, monotonous, and boring." Basic Text pg 78 Sometimes it seems as though nothing changes. We get up and go to the same job every day. We eat dinner at the same time every night. We attend the same meetings...

my time each mornin with my HP is essential to me. it is a time when i get to connect with Him before the worldly clamor of life even has a chance to infiltrate my bein. when i do this i get to start my day with the good i feel He has planned for...

one of the main prayers of my recovery is the 3rd step prayer. early in my recovery, the more i said it, even more so, the more i practiced it, freedom became a feelin within that brought hope. it seems as if the more i surrendered, the more i used humility, bitin my tongue, keepin...

its been my experience that the deepest holes i can find myself in are the ones ive dug myself. even though i may have said or done things in the past that were how i may have felt at the time, they come back to me and the good i thought then was not the...

with an understandin that i had made an early surrender by merely reachin out for help with my alcoholism, throwin out little bits of self and hope, and seein the results of those releases, turnin my will over to the care of God was still somethin i balked at early on. and even still today...

oh, the things i still get to learn in my recovery. ive read this mornins daily before, and this mornin it truly struck me. i can remember the struggle i had early in my recovery on decidin how or what i was gonna use as my HP. this mornins readin had me thinkin bout that...

ive found it is true that when i find the key to openin my heart, mind, body, and soul, if i follow what recovery has taught me, i get to grow even more in my attempts to become a better person. in my early recovery i learned how rigid i had become to certain aspects...


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