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i never really cared about spiritual terms before my recovery began. i was too wrapped up in my own terms. the optimism ive gained from step 2 helps me want to see how faith can continue to be an effective force in my life. as ive grown in my recovery, i keep findin this want...

when i use the 3rd step prayer, i have no fear and get to experience the luxury of the spiritual principle of step 3, faith. all that is required of me is to open my mind to spiritual ideas and concepts that mean i can no longer totally rely upon myself or try to push...

when i came into the rooms ya can damn sure bet ya ass i was willin to change the life i had been livin. even as my spiritual malady and alcoholism were tryina help me find a bazillion reasons to leave the halfway house i was livin in, i didnt want to go back to...

ive defined my self-will as my spiritual malady for a very long time in recovery. it is what kept me blocked for years before my recovery began and what can still keep me from receivin the will of my HP. surely, i may hear His intuitive voice today, but when i am self-seekin and my...

with the hope that step 2 provides, i get to make the venture into the faith step 3 cultivates. i had heard others say how they had surrendered their will over to their HP when i first came into the rooms. watchin their footsteps after hearin their stories i began to have hope that i...

i didnt know what to expect out of this program when i first came in. i knew i was beat down and needed to find somethin to help me stop all the chaos and destruction i caused. i could feel it all within and i couldnt stop the anger and self-loathin i had toward myself...

My Master I have a master of an evil kind He totally controls my body, soul, and mind At first he was fun and cool But soon I became his fool, A victim without a chance He took my life in just a glance Hes so sneaky and full of deceit I wonder why we...

Strange how I somehow thought although the 12 Step program specifically said it should continue for my lifetime? It seemed to mean your lifetime. I with my long term sobriety had arrived, settled into my official parking space at the Thursday night Men's meeting with stepsherpa placard etched in a stone curb. To look back...

tradition 2 reminds me to live with a simplicity in my life. this concept helps me to break the compulsion i have toward unhealthy and negative expectation and control. it helps me to remember that i am not the center of the universe. when i gain this concept in its full gravity i get to...


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