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when i turn my personal problems and my life over to the hands of God, i get to be open-minded to the concepts within the program of recovery that help me grow. it is an exercise in trust that allows the freedom to live my life and enjoy it. the 12 traditions explain to me...

i cannot say enough how blessed i am to have been able to suffer as i did in the last days of doin my dirt. as much as i didnt like it then, or even my early recovery, i understand today the self-induced pain i suffered from was necessary. and please, notice how i worded...

its so easy for me to beat myself up over the mistakes i have made in the past and the ones i make today. guilt is toxic man. relivin the same mistakes over and over again is self-torture to me. why bully myself by constantly criticizin and blamin myself for mistakes ive made or may...

ive learned through recovery that thankfulness is an emotion and gratefulness is an action. for me to be able to practice my program of recovery i have to keep with a level of humility that allows me to let go of self. for me to entertain or remain full of conceit is an avenue toward...

if i do what i always did, then i will get what i always got. i was told, hell man, i was promised, way back in my early recovery, that if i did what was suggested, and then later what was required to be an active member of recovery, that i would have the life...

the sense of humility i needed to learn began with the simple concept of turnin my self-will, my ego, over to a power greater than myself. seemingly not such a hard thing to do with someone like myself who had done the things i had done to others and myself or had had the experiences...

i cannot say exactly when i opened up completely to the concept of a relationship with my HP or when that specific spiritual awakenin happened. what i do know today is that it happened. i reckon surrender and acceptance of my alcoholism was a meager beginnin toward buildin a relationship with my HP and movin...

i can recall in the beginnin of my recovery how overwhelmin i thought this thing we do was gonna be. i mean, lookin at it all scared me. and after bein in the rooms for a while, without sponsorship, i made the decision to do it by myself. well, ya’ll can guess how well that...

ive met so many different people in the rooms. ive sat with millionaires and bums, catholics and atheists, lgbqts and straights, young uns and old folks, men and women, and any nationality, creed, or race ya can think of, each of us together in search of a common solution, livin together our common bond. in...

when i came into the rooms, even though i couldnt feel it, i was powerless and that kept me a prisoner of lethargy. i can remember feelin like i had no real purpose. my alcoholism only bred pessimism, anger, hate, and self-worthlessness. as i watched those around me seem to flourish, the recovery they were...


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