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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cQU26pz-5iU&list=RDcQU26pz-5iU&start_radio=1&t=9 My addictions counsellor says I feel chronic loneliness because I do drugs every day. Even if it's just weed and the occasional shroom trip! Is it true? Seriously, is it true? Is there this amazing life waiting for me behind the sober curtain? Even though I'm not doing hard drugs or drinking? Am I...

the only thing i have control over right now, this moment, is me. i have to live in the here and now as best as i can. no matter the joy surroundin me, chaotic whirlwind, success, or failure, it is only i, that i am able to have control over. in makin decisions that help...

i like to think that the brand of recovery i live is invitin to those who are sufferin, to those who are in recovery themselves, and to those who are not in recovery. i try to live it the way i perceive the big book tells me and the way my HP directs me. for...

"It's a beautiful thing to see yourself from someone else's perspective"- Unknown from my first NA meeting. I have so many unbridled emotions; would a bridle even help? If I could give these emotions and beliefs for someone to observe and critique, could I handle it? My anger, my hate, confusion, loneliness, and joy all...

it makes perfect sense to me today, havin lived and practiced this recovery thing for a while, that the theme, unifyin or dominant idea, or subject of discourse, of the 12th step be the joy of livin. through the 11 prior steps i have been able to accept and solve personal problems, have been able...

https://www.youtube.com/w… I make a lot of questionable decisions. I am not adept at setting healthy boundaries. I repeatedly hurt others. Every day, it is a choice and some days that choice is harder than others. As a good friend told me, challenge is often the best part of life. I agree, and at the same...

Setting boundaries is a big deal. It comes easily to some and has to be taught, often painfully, over time for others. Myself being one of the latter, I can understand the rejection and anger experienced when someone sets a boundary that you didn't see coming. One that upsets the way you do things, even...

Happy holidays if you're celebrating. If you're mourning, I mourn with you. My significant other lost his mom just a few short weeks ago to a long battle with throat cancer. I grieve with him, from a distance. Covid restrictions are tight here in Saskatchewan, the Rez is on lock down and the best I...

https://www.youtube.com/w… Happy Birthday to me! 3:28 am and I am wide awake, weird considering I only got a few hours of sleep and I usually run on 8-10 a night. It's a Mac Miller/Ariana Grande kind of vibe this morning. Yesterday I may have entrenched an even deeper wound between one of my older sisters...

Sometimes, I think it's okay to feel happy. Not just like artificial high produced, but regular had a meaningful exchange with another human being and am happy for it. Then comes the anxiety. It will pass, of course, when the next message from ANYONE arrives, but like that high, it is only for a fleeting...


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Calls to the general helpline will be answered by a paid advertiser of one of our treatment partners.