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I've been up since 3:30 this morning. To keep sane and not just stare at the roof I picked up Gabor Mate's "In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts: Close Encounters with Addiction", it took me to 7am, when I was supposed to have an appointment with my addictions counsellor. Last we talked, I told him...

readin this mornins daily i cannot help but think back to the days of the self-imposed loneliness i suffered. buildin walls so that i could protect the fragile, not italian made, ego i felt so eager to protect from the outside world. how i rejected forgiveness, hope, love, freedom, and friendship, because i didnt know...

Living sober. We all want to solve the riddle right? Decipher the life of the unknown child in us. Search out understanding and find true answers. There must be some good somewhere? Even though we don't all agree on the journey or process, we can agree the needed end result is balance. We all need...

today i have answers to the problems i may experience when i am willin to accept what they may be. recovery has taught me that there isnt a problem i may face that i cannot apply the spiritual principles to. when all through life some of the things i could have had simple answers to,...

with steps 3, 6, 7, & 11, i am equipped with tools that i did not have before my recovery began. surely each of these concepts may have been within me, but i did not know or understand how to use them as i do now, so many years after my recovery began. and even...

livin with the feelin of bein at peace with life was somethin i couldnt experience before my recovery began unless i had drank or drugged so much that oblivion came my way. today, i get to experience life with peace of mind because recovery taught me how to find it and live with it. before...

To Watch Loneliness Vanish Almost without exception, alcoholics are tortured by loneliness. Even before our drinking got bad and people began to cut us off, nearly all of us suffered the feeling that we didn’t quite belong. Either we were shy, and dared not draw near others, or we were noisy good fellows constantly craving...

each mornin i get to start my day, before the hustle and bustle of the material world has a chance to infiltrate my thoughts, with a couple inspirational spiritual readins, prayer, and meditation with my HP. i get to come in tune with what i perceive my HP would have me be for that day....

it is my understandin that each of the three legacies of this program hold equal strength in holdin the whole world of this thing we do together. the third legacy, service, is how i got what i have today. it was those who came before me, my sponsor, and others, who told me their stories...

for me to judge another for admittin to their inner most self that they are alcoholic and then admittin it in the rooms, is a sure show of lack of personal humility on my behalf. where would i be today if others had judged my admittance of my own alcoholism when i came into the...


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Calls to the general helpline will be answered by a paid advertiser of one of our treatment partners.