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the big book teaches me much about how to work with others. if i desire to be effective and useful, it is best i adhere to the directions/instructions, it asks me when i go to sharin my e.s.h. why spoil an opportunity to be useful later? why be labeled a religious zealot? i can recall...

my recovery has taught me that when thinkin of others while tryin to practice the spiritual principles in my affairs or carryin the message, doesnt only have to be focused on those whom i may meet in the rooms. though i may consider those still sufferin or in the rooms a primary focus, there are...

I recently discovered that I am a sex and love addict. The easiest way for me to fall in love with someone is to have sex with them and/or fantasize about having sex with them. Relationships has been my kryptonite and always end up leading me to relapse. Well now I have finish my 90...

I was born into an alcoholic family. Every memory I have of my Grandparent's house in Bellvue is of a summer picnic or Christmas party with all of my aunts and uncles and cousins gathered together with lots of beer. They were functional alcoholics; never appeared super-drunk; always stayed very late; and drove home from...

Step Four “We made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves.” JFT 12/12/2020 Fear of Change "By working the steps, we come to accept a Higher Power's will…. We lose our fear of the unknown. We are set free." -Basic Text, p16 BASIC TEXT "When we realize how little we have to lose, and...

i feel like the best way i can show my gratitude for the gift of recovery is to share the tremendous fact of the common solution, brotherly love, and harmonious action of what this thing we do offers. it is when i carry the message with my fellows in recovery to those who may be...

one of the most impactful things recovery has taught me is that i alone do not make the world around me spin. that the relationship i have with my HP is what can guide me toward a happy, useful, and effective life. the humility i get to live today transcends beyond me as i am...

tryin to practice the spiritual principles in all my affairs has taken practice. i reckon its not so much the things i say in meetins as much as it is the way i behave when i am outside of meetins that defines the recovery i live today. what seemed the flimsy reed of recovery, as...

i was bitchin one day to my sponsor about how i felt i wasnt gettin what i was rightly deserved and how i wanted to get back at someone. well, ya know how well rounded and grounded sponsors are who actually work and live the spiritual principles of recovery and have had that spiritual awakenin...

No matter what a person did or does in life based on alcoholism and the behaviors that come with it, which usually hurts others and self can start to be overcome with surrender. Step 1, the Spiritual Principle of Honesty, the honesty to thine own self be true of who we are (a drunk). Page...


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