"Just for Today" January 25 An added gift “We see it happening among us every day. This miraculous turnabout is evidence of a spiritual awakening.” Basic Text, p. 51 ––––=–––– We watch them walk in to their first meeting defeated, their spirits broken. Their suffering is obvious, and their desire for help even more...
today i dont have to live in a blind alley. i can afford to be honest with myself and with others because i understand the value of truth and integrity. even when i may be wrong or not agree with another, i can voice my place and accept it as it is. it may take...
i aint ever tryna say im perfect and follow every spiritual principle within recovery perfectly, cause i make mistakes, i am no saint. i can get wrapped up in cynicism over the state of the nations and carry the worlds troubles on my shoulders. i mean the last 4 years were full of fear for...
the best way for me to fuck up my own recovery is to let my spiritual malady take control of it. since early in my recovery i have heard Keep It Simple Stupid! this mornins passage in the daily reflection reminds me of the many attempts i have made to try to outsmart and overthink...……… Updated: July 13:th 2022...
humility tells me that i am no better than another alcoholic. humility reminds me that when it comes to my alcoholism i am no stronger than any other. when i feel as if i am the better person i an committin the act of apostasy, makin myself better than my HP and those around me....
this has been a savin grace many times in my recovery. when i have become agitated or doubtful, i have stopped, and asked my HP for the right thought or action before proceedin forward. this quick little time of assessment, inextricably, has never failed me in stoppin my spiritual malady from showin its ass. many...
i wasnt aware what honest faith was while out doin my dirt. if i had any growin up i dont recall it. i did develop a kind of faith in alcohol when i discovered it could take me away from how i was feelin. the faith i had in it strengthened my resolve to use...
today when i am tryna run the show, arrangin everythin to my taste, makin sure that im happy with shit, not thinkin of how my efforts are gonna help another, but only myself, i get blocked from the grace and guidance of my HP. and of course, what usually happens, the show dont come off...
there are still times today i want what i want to get done the way i want it done. the difference from the days of doin my dirt and today is that i consider what it is im askin for. i consider the effect or outcome. i look to see if what it is i...