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i do not feel i can relate to another if i cannot identify the disease of alcoholism within myself. when i can, i get to share with em what it was like, what happened, and what it is like today. carryin the message to another may not have an effect on em but does have...

it is my understandin today that when i give away what has been so freely given me, with gratitude, without expectation of return, i am committin an act of love that knows no bounds. when i am able to love myself, i get the opportunity to love another. and sometimes, even when i am findin...

my daily reflections… today i am grateful for the gift of recovery i have been given. it was the people in the rooms when i first came in, that showed me that i could be loved. it was they, the ones who had never known me, who passed onto me what they were so freely...

Join me here Now where there are no points of view. Slip under good and bad right and wrong worthy and unworthy sinner and saint. Meet me here where everything is unframed before understanding and not understanding. Meet me here where silence roars where stillness is dancing where the eternal is living and dying. Meet...

For years I searched to fill That Great Expanse Within. Right in the middle of my gut Was a hole as big as sin. Childhood years I read a lot. Thought knowledge would fill it up. Read everything could get my hands on Trying to fill that cup. Then came the drugs and alcohol. This...

Welcome…Keep coming back! It's amazing to hear these comforting words every time I find my way back into recovery, or "In the Rooms". I was going through my ITR profile and for the first time after 10 or so years, I noticed that I received chips in ITR just as I received them in NA...

it took time to reestablish a relationship with my young uns. they were the ones i owed the most to. it was a process of showin em, not tellin em, of the changes i was goin to make to be the person they needed me to be. i had to show em how i was...

it has been my experience that in order for me to be good for anythin or anybody else i must be good for myself. what good can i offer another, if i cannot offer good for myself? early in my recovery, i wanted everythin back that i had lost as a result of the consequences...

if i have a fear, it is that i take that final first drink. i am an alcoholic and its my belief that if i dare to lose the relationship i have with my HP or let my spiritual malady block my communication with Him, i will quickly, thereafter, pass unto dust. i post my...

it has been my experience that when i live as recovery has shown me, i get to receive anonymous gifts i didnt have intention or motive to receive. for me, this is the proof that the prayer and meditation i continue to do provides me the spiritual life i wish to live. as i move...


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Calls to the general helpline will be answered by a paid advertiser of one of our treatment partners.