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i can recall the feelin of peace of mind after i had been in the halfway house i had entered after a couple of months. though i still had the ragin frustration, anger, resentment, hate, self-loathin, ego, fear, and guilt within, i could sense the chaos around me dwindle, affectin the shit storm tornado within....

The early days of recovery are not easy but it can be done one moment at a time. For me i had to read a meditation book of recovery each day first thing. I simply then asked please help me stay sober and clean each day. I went to meetings and I listened to women....

I Found My Strength in Family When you ask people what it is that means most to them, the common answer is, “Family”. Yet daily we avoid the opportunity to convey this sentiment through our actions. This may not be true in every instance, but at least in the environment I happened to grow up...

Hello everyone. I am new to all of this. NA Meeting. Online Meeting. I decided to take the first step just as soon as this whole covid started. Actually I am still in the denial phase. I feel lost and alone. I just want to talk to someone, anyone. that is feeling the same as...

it has been said that the promises always materialize when i work for them. part of that work for me is an honest desire to look within and dig out, as painful as it may be, the character that continues to keep me emotionally, psychologically, and spiritually sick. if i want to change who i...


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Calls to the general helpline will be answered by a paid advertiser of one of our treatment partners.