i cannot tell ya all fear has been resolved, nor can i tell ya all fear has been lifted in my daily life. my HP has not lifted basic human emotion from me; i am not an automaton. however, i have been taught healthy solutions when fear does come. the solutions i used in the...
durin the early transition of my recovery without alcohol, i could not understand the changes i was experiencin. even as i was full of fear and frustration, emotions that made me comfortable, i could still feel a lightenin of negative emotion within. now thats what i understood. i thought, how could i be doin what...
complete autonomy is what recovery has shown me is possible when i live by its spiritual principles as a guide. to be self-governin away from my alcoholism is a blessin. today i have the capacity to make informed and uncoerced decisions which take away from the selfishness of doin my dirt. i get to live...
i still feel my self-will stirrin deep down within me. though there was always somethin i could feel deeper within stirrin back in the days of doin my dirt, i chose my self-will over it. recovery has shown me, then taught me, just how strong my self-will can be. it has also shown me, and...
when i came into the rooms i learned how open-mindedness was a character asset which would help me use humility throughout my recovery. this was in stark contrast to the days of doin my dirt, even though i only thought i was open to concepts and ideas; if i hadnt learned em or better yet...
this is one of my fave ideas in this thing we do! its one of the simplest ideas i know in recovery, unless, of course, i try to complicate it with, ehem, joel. and dont think i didnt try to reject the program because of this very important decision, coz, i tried to over, and...
my HP continuously discloses more to me when i maintain my part, workin and evolvin my program of recovery by exercisin willingness and patience. and it wasnt somethin that came naturally to me, i had to be shown how to do this thing. as ive learned how to live sober and spiritually, ive persisted in...
i had harmed my family, others, and myself very badly. it wasnt theirs, or anybody elses, responsibility to fix the mess i had made. i had used words before and always fell back on em. i had written solemn oaths and signed decrees promisin i would change. they were all ears, and surely, they may...
i always used to think, YOU, were the reason we could not get along. i could never see how many rules and regulations i had made that made, YOU, the problem. i could never see how thin skinned and easily butthurt i would get coz, YOU, didnt do what i wanted the way i wanted...
my recovery is very important to me, in fact, it is somethin i must place very high on my list of priorities. but it doesnt mean i can forget about the other priorities in my life either. my sponsor suggested to me, early in my recovery, i needed to rearrange my priorities in such a...