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as a result of workin with sponsees, ive learned how to interact and communicate with others in, and out, of the rooms. ive gained an ability to listen to understand instead of listen to respond. from this learned activity i get to focus on what the other person is sayin or feelin, rather than voicin...

i learned so much about myself durin the first 2 1/2 years of my recovery. they were characters about me i had never uncovered before, nor even ever thought were aspects about me that played major parts in my behavioral and emotional health. the bedevilments listed on pg. 52 of the big book described my...

forgiveness, especially self-forgiveness, seems like an impressive character asset to have in principle. its easy to understand when i decipher it from a dictionary. but in the abstract, or even the practicality of it, is where i can get bound up within. like my brain ate a 1 pound block of delicious cheese and im...

imperative to my future welfare is the ability to forgive and to be forgiven. it is an act of humility and spiritual inspiration fer me to understand how necessary it is toward the continuation of my program of recovery as i move in the direction of such an independence. with a release of anxiety and...

the big book says when i harbor resentment, i shut myself off from the sunlight of the spirit. havin written down my 4th step inventory, as my sponsor and i discussed it in my 5th step tell, he pointed out to me how i had held these resentments usin the character defects and shortcomins i...

recovery has given me the tools, allowed me to learn from my experience, and taught me the spiritual principles of recovery to help better my life as a whole. though some of the tools, experience, and how i choose to use the spiritual principles may be hard to express, when needed, if im honest, use...

this aint my 1st time tryin to get sober, it is my 4th. fortunately, fer me, if i continue to do what is necessary, there will not be a 5th attempt, if im to be so blessed. through my own experience, and the watch of others, not tryin to do any of the steps as...

i get to live a life ive never lived before. loneliness and isolation kept me in fear of the consequences of my behaviors, actions, and words. i could never tell of these emotions in fear of bein laughed at or talked down to, fer bein human. negative and unhealthy self-consciousness demanded i never share these...

i think fer me the sense of belongin did happen as i was able to relay to my sponsor, and later to others, how i felt within. it wasnt there on day one, though i may have felt some ease, acceptin me took time. as acceptance slowly came, the sense of belongin did in turn....

i wish that once i had conquered a fear i would never have to deal with that specific fear again. unfortunately, fer me, i often face fears that i thought i had once overcome. insecurity, of any kind, obligation, the unknown, emotional, physical, and spiritual pain, disappointment, despair, loneliness, ridicule, rejection, death, and failure, are...


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