" Surrender " Was a term I did not understand...I was one who fought to the Bitter ends ...Jails...Institutions...And even Death... As we work the First Step, we find that surrender is not what we thought it was. In the past, we probably thought of surrender as something that only weak and cowardly people did. We saw only two choices: either keep fighting to control our using or just cave in completely and let our lives fall to pieces. We felt we were in a battle to control our using and that, if we surrendered, the drugs would win. In recovery, we find that surrender involves letting go of our reservations about recovery and being willing to try a different approach to living life. The process of surrender is extremely personal for each one of us. Only we, as individuals, know when we’ve done it. We stress the importance of surrender, for it is the very process that enables us to recover. When we surrender, we know in our hearts that we’ve had enough.