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https://www.youtube.com/w... Happy Birthday to me! 3:28 am and I am wide awake, weird considering I only got a few hours of sleep and I usually run on 8-10 a night. It's a Mac Miller/Ariana Grande kind of vibe this morning. Yesterday I may have entrenched an even deeper wound between one of my older sisters and I, by talking with too much venom. That's a concept I'm struggling with lately; what to do with anger? Justifiable or not, it's there, and where should it go? I can not present it to all people and expect them to try and live with it yet I must live with their emotions? What's with that? Either way, venom is unacceptable and I should know better. I can only control my actions. As long as I tried my best, did I really fail? That's up for debate. I will apologize for speaking out of turn, but not for being who I am. No good apology should include a "but." As you can see, I am very back and forth on the whole thing. If this blog doesn't make sense, I'm sorry. Feel free to send me a message if there's anything you want to talk about or just need someone to listen to you!

Currently on the debate as to whether or not it's possible to live without any addiction. Smoking cigarettes and marijuana, drinking coffee, and over eating are a few of mine.

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