GRATITUDE IS MY DEFAULT SETTING GRATEFUL Recovering Alcoholic GRATEFUL I eventually found out what was wrong with me when I first came through the doors of AA on Tuesday 14 December 2004 at The Rooms, St Andrew's Street, Glasgow. YES other people felt and thought the same way I did/do - what a blessing to know I was not alone and that I finally belonged somewhere! However, I did NOT use ALL the tools at my disposal when necessary therefore I relapsed - several times whilst only attending face to face meetimgs on a daily basis! My last drink was Sunday 19 September 2010 - on the Monday 20 September 2010 I just knew I could not do it anymore I felt TOTALLY defeated by alcohol, that was after several years of trying to stop and stay stopped!!!! I realised I had to to do more than just attend face to face meetings - I then completely threw in the towel and became willing to work at it - my RECOVERY - and it really does work if YOU work at it EVERY minute of every day, there