Learn from our experts and get your questions answered.
In The Rooms and Seeking Integrity bring you live addiction/recovery webinars hosted by experts, recovery therapists, authors and educators. At 1:00, 3:00 and 5:00 PM EST (in between some of the most popular Saturday 12-Step meetings), members can attend the Recovery Summit sessions, which are free, live and interactive lectures with time for questions.
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Past Summits
Missed a previous month’s summit, or just want to see it again? Watch sessions from past presenters in the archive.
April 2021
Blind Spots: How They Serve as a Barrier for Addicts Looking to Build Intimate Relationships
Hosted by Eddie Capparucci
Letting Go of the Illusion of Perfection in Relationships
Hosted by Alyson Nerenberg
Rocking Relationships in Recovery
Hosted by Jonathan Taylor
March 2021
Neglect: The Silent Abuser
Hosted by Enod Gray
Recovering is a Journey Through Change
Hosted by Dr. Carlo DiClemente
Can Gaming and the Internet be Addictive?
Hosted by Dr. Hilarie Cash
January 2021
Fast Weight Fix: Weight Loss Surgery & Cross-Addiction — Tipping the Scales in Your Favor
Hosted by Kelley Gunter
Mother Hunger
Hosted by Kelly McDaniel
Why is Sex Better When I’m High?
Hosted by Dr. Rob Weiss
November 2020
Emotional Eater or Food Addict?
Weight Loss Surgery and Cross Addiction
Hosted by Dr. Connie Stapleton
Mindfulness, Anger Management, and Long-Term Recovery
Hosted by Dr. Stephen Dansiger
Intimacy, Sobriety, and the Search for Real Love
Hosted by Ken Page
October 2020
Overcoming Enmeshment
Hosted by Dr. Ken Adams
Mistresses and Financial Affairs
Hosted by Debra Kaplan
The Empowerment of Deep Grief Work
Hosted by Dr. Sophia Caudle
September 2020
Eight Ways to Wellbeing for People in Recovery (and Everyone Else)
Hosted by Dr. Sonnee Weedn
ADHD and Addiction: Myths and Truths
Hosted by Dr. Todd Love
Prodependence: A New Approach for Loved Ones of Addicts
Hosted by Dr. Rob Weiss
August 2020
July 2020
Family: Can’t Live With Them, Can’t Live Without Them
Hosted by Dr. Louise Stanger
Finding Peace from Addiction
Hosted by Troy Love
Addict America: The Lost Connection
Hosted by Dr. Carol Clark
June 2020
May 2020
What is “Chemsex” and Why Does it Matter?
Hosted by David Fawcett PhD, LCSW
Healthy Love
Hosted by Rachel Levy, LMHC
Nutrition to Fight Cravings and Thrive
Hosted by Lulu Cook, APD/RDN, CPC